YEOLIM Academy of Liberal Arts
- The upcoming era wants convergent and creative talents who use knowledge from various disciplines and solve problems. Sungkonghoe University has the firm educational goal to nurture an excellent talent both with critical and creative thinking abilities, and with open communication skills based upon the humanities education curriculum emphasizing core competences such as values, alternatives, practice competencies. Yeollim College of Humanities is an organization and system in charge of the liberal arts curriculum.
- Every freshman entering SungKongHoe University belong to Yeollim Humanities College for the first 3 semesters and starts their studies not in the individual departments but in Division of Humanities, Division of Social Sciences, Division of Media & Contents or Division of Information Technology, where students spend first 3 semesters experiencing educational principles smeared in the Humanities Curricula of SungKongHoe University such as Openness, Sharing, and Serving, and exploring diverse majors.
- SungKongHoe Universiy has a mandatory policy all students pursue multi-majors. When students are admitted to the university, they can choose one major in the respective Divisions and additionally can freely select any additional major regardless of their declared majors.
Four Years of University at a Glance
Humanities Focused
Major Exploration -
1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester
- Take Humanities courses cultivating core competencies
- Take a major search course that allows you to explore and understand your major by fully considering your aptitude and social needs
- Choose majors during the third semester
Major Concentrating
Reinforcement of Practice Competency -
4th Semester 5th Semester 6th Semester 7th Semester 8th Semester
- Start a major from the fourth semester
- ake convergent major courses based upon multi-major plan