Educational Philosophy
University in Solidarity with the World through Human rights and Peace
Desirable Talents
Citizens searching for alternatives based on the values of human rights, peace, ecology, and democracy and practicing solidarity
Educational Goal
Nurturing practical talents opening a democratic and social community with the values of peace and respect for life
3 Educational Goals
Pursuing education by putting efforts into the basicsBuilding social solidarity of ‘Hitting by Rain Together’Forming a space and culture where values are alive
6 Promotional Strategies
Build and develop core competences curriculumImplementing fusion and convergence major systemSystemizing non-major curriculumEnforcing education quality and management systemStrengthening local, civil society solidarityRealization of human rights, peace, ecology, and democratic values
6 Perfomance Index
core competencies liberal arts education IndexConvergence major education IndexNon-major curriculum indexEducation quality management IndexLocal, civil society solidarity indexHuman Rights·Life·Peace·Democratic Culture Realization Index